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Swim for the Girls

Started in 2013, Swim for the Girls is an annual fundraiser to support families affected by breast cancer.  Conceived from a dare following a swim meet, the original event was organized by Will Neverosky, Luke Engel, Luke Neverosky, Lance Engel, Cortney Neverosky and Bryce Engel. 


The event involves girls lending their suits to boys to wear over their own suit during the breaststroke races of the meet.  Some boys even allow the girls to choose their full outfit including caps and goggles.  All participants (both genders) are asked to raise money through pledges.   Divers can participate as well by wearing a girls suit during the diving event.


At the event, there is typically a donation table that collects donations from participants, accepts donations from spectators and helps to coordinate the exchange of suits between the boys and girls.  Spare suits can typically also be found at this table for any late entries or boys who were not paired up ahead of time.


All proceeds from the event each year are donated to The Breathing Room, located in Jenkintown, PA.  The Breathing Room Foundation's mission is to 'strive to provide a family with whatever it is that will allow them a bit of “breathing room” from their daily struggle against cancer.'  For more information about the Breathing Room, visit their site:

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